Reliable way to check if two variables in CMD shell point to the same folder

There is no way to check just by comparing these variables:

C:\>set "d1=C:\"
C:\>set "d2=C:\Windows\.."
C:\>if %d1%==%d2% (echo true) else (echo false)


I can put together a complex construct with pushd

and popd

and additional variables, but isn't there an easier way?


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3 answers

Similar to jeb's solution, but using FOR instead of a called subroutine

for %%A in ("%d1%") do for %%B in ("%d2%") do if "%%~fA"=="%%~fB" (echo true) else (echo false)




You can normalize variables with a little function.

set d1=C:\
set d2=C:\Windows\..
call :normalize d1
call :normalize d2
if "%d1%"=="%d2%" (echo true) else (echo false)
exit /b

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%M in ("!%1!") do (
    set "%1=%%~dpM"
exit /b




Don't know if it will suit your needs, but you can create the file in the 1st check loop if it exists in the second:

echo test > %d1%\checkthisfile.txt
if exist %d2%\checkthisfile.txt (echo true)




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