Register the program in the Windows registry so that it appears in "Uninstall a program" in Control Panel

Let's say I have a simple program: SomeProgram.exe

and Uninstaller.exe

these programs are in C:\ProgramFiles\MyProgram

along with several DLLs and resources.

Anyway, I have a simple installer that sets up a few prerequisites for this path. Now my question is how can I register SomeProgram.exe

in the Windows registry so that it can appear in Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. I want to execute Uninstaller.exe

when the user clicks to uninstall my program. Also I would like to create a folder in the Windows start menu so that the user can launch the program from there if he doesn't want to have a shortcut on the desktop.


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1 answer

All you have to do is create registry entries as described in the second link from "sergmat". This will make the program appear in the list from the control panel.



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