Blocking a sonata on stdin
I have a bash script as shown on the AIX host,
if [ "$MODE" == "start" ]; then
socat -T100 -lf $LOGF -d -d -d -x TCP4-LISTEN:$LISTENINGPORT,bind=$LISTENINGADDR,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"$0 proxy" &
echo $PID > $PIDFILE
echo "$0 $MODE started (pid=$PID)"
elif [ "$MODE" == "proxy" ]; then
cat - > $TMPFILE
# process $TMPFILE before the SSL connection.
cat $TMPFILE | socat -T 100 -lf $LOGF -d - OPENSSL:$HOST
rm -f $TMPFILE
Everything is fine when I run:
$ cat somefile | proxy | xxd
The problem occurs when I connect to a socat listener with a test script:
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $fsize = -s $file;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new("$port")
or die "Couldn't connect to remote host: $!";
open (FILE,$file);
my $buffer ;
while(sysread(FILE, $buffer, $blocksize)) {
print $socket $buffer ;
print "sent\n" ;
close (FILE) ;
my $answer = <$socket>;
if (defined($answer)) {
print $answer; # never reached
print "...\n" ;
} else {
die "connection reset by peer\n";
In, it blocks at line:
cat - > $TMPFILE
In the test script, it blocks the line:
my $answer = <$socket>;
At this point, data has been received by the socat listener (verified with tcpdump).
However, when I Ctrl+ ctest the script before the socat timeout, the data goes through the channel (i.e. ultimately the SSL server).
What am I doing wrong?
Update: Thanks for the tips about the cat and the EOF. At the moment I have been working on the problem as follows:
timeout 0.2 cat -u - > $TMPFILE 2>>/dev/null
# process $TMPFILE before the SSL connection.
cat $TMPFILE | socat -T 100 -lf $LOGF -d - OPENSSL:$HOST
It's ugly and a waste of 0.2 seconds, I hope to find a better solution. But now it works. Part 2 -> / dev / null is that AIX is complaining about an invalid counter (associated with the timeout command).
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