Angular.js view not refreshed after receiving post from broadcast

After saving the resource in angular.js, I want to broadcast the changes to update the list.

    function EnvironmentCtrl($rootScope,  $scope, $location, $routeParams, environmentService) {
      environmentService.get($scope, $;
      $ = $

      $ = function(){
         $scope.environment.$save(function(data) {

   function NavController($scope, $http, $routeParams, environmentService) {
     $scope.$on("model-update", function(){
         $scope.environments = data;
         console.log("update called", $scope.environments); 


Communication between these controllers when is called works fine. The console .log is invoked and the data returned by the callback from the service is set correctly in the $ scope.

The relevant part of my service looks like this:

 services.factory('environmentService', [ '$resource', function($resource) {
   var environmentService = {};

   environmentService.list = function(callback) {
     var url = "/service/environment/"
     $resource(url).query(function(data) {
    return environmentService;
  } ]);


My view looks like this:

  <li data-ng-repeat="env in environments">
    <a href="#/environment/{{}}">{{}}</a>


But not updated before updating.

It's all "inside angular" (as far as I can see) and I would think it "just works". I tried to call $ digest from a callback. $ apply complains that the digest is already running.

Can anyone tell me why the view is not updating?


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1 answer

I agree that the model should be updated by the time the event arrives. This looks like a bug in angular.

Until then, you can fire the event during $ timeout if that works for you.

$timeout(function() {$rootScope.$broadcast("model-update");}, 0);




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