Change the pace and direction of the <marquee>

I am new to HTML. I am using tag <marquee>


Is there a way to change the direction of movement of the text from right to left to something else or padding?

Also, can I change the pace at which this selection is executed?


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2 answers

You can create a scrollable area (like scrolling text or scrolling images) using a tag. It can be fully customized. In you, you are interested in changing the direction and rate of scrolling of the text, perhaps by adding some attributes.

For example an example html code:

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="1">Pace-slow</marquee>


Here the direction of the attribute can take on values ​​such as LEFT, UP, RIGHT, etc. depending on the direction of scrolling and the amount of scrolling, can control the speed, the faster.



<!-- Scroll Amount -->
<marquee scrollamount="50"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 50 </marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="5"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 5 </marquee>

Run code

<!-- Scroll Delay -->
<marquee scrolldelay="50">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  50</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="100">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  100</marquee>

Run code

<!-- mouse over or click events -->
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">This marquee will stop on mouseover.</marquee>
<marquee onclick="this.stop()">This marquee will stop on mouseclick. </marquee>

Run code

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