Handling changed files in a WAF script

Is it possible to write a WAF function in a wscript file that will be called each time a modified file is created?

I want to be able to do the following:

  • Process all input files .hpp

    with a custom Python function and output them to create a folder. If such a file has changed, I want to process it and update its definition in the output folder.
  • Process all input files by .hpp

    external script and output resutls file for build.


To explain: I want a function fun1(file)

to be executed for every file that is changed that will read the file, modify it, and return the modified version, which should output to the target directory.


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1 answer

Handling only changed files is one of the main features of WAF ^^

To execute your python function, you can do something like this:

top = '.'
out = 'build'

def configure(conf):

def build(bld):

    def fun1(input_file):

        # whatever

        return output_file_content_as_string

    def process(task):

        for src_node in task.inputs:

            src = src_node.abspath()
            tgt = src_node.get_bld()

            out = fun1(src)


        return 0 # everything ok

        rule   = process,
        source = ['myfile.hpp', 'myfile2.hpp', ],


This will call fun1 on myfile.hpp etc. and will output the build file only in the modified files.

By default, waf manages the signature for each origin to detect any changes and only processes it if the signature change ...



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