Calculate distance from point A to line segment using Lat / Lon
I am working on an Android application that uses GPS. I would like to know if there is a way to throw out the GPS location data if the "new location" (point C) is too far from the AB segment. I am using the Point to Line Segment formula found on Wikipedia .
So far, the code I have is returning NaN when I try to use latitude and longitude coordinates.
private void verifyGPSLocation(Location start, Location end, Location current){
final double errorValue = 0.0000216;
double normalLength = Math.hypot(end.getLatitude() - start.getLatitude(), end.getLongitude() - start.getLongitude());
double ret = Math.abs(((current.getLatitude() - start.getLatitude()) * (end.getLongitude() - start.getLongitude()) - (end.getLatitude() - start.getLatitude()))/normalLength );
Log.e("Coooooord", normalLength+"--"+ret);
This is my first post, so please let me know if I haven't done it right or with enough information. Thanks for your help, I love this site!
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I think the formula you use to find the distance between two geographic points is oversimplified. Due to the curvature of the earth, the formula is a little more complicated. Check it out here , it provides a more accurate approximation.
There is also a Javascript example, so you can easily change it to Java with a few syntax tweaks.
After asking, you seem to be looking for a point-to-path distance on the ground between two points. Check out the change in track spacing in the link above.
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