How to specify "field" parameter in YoutubeService method

I have a properly resolved YouTubeService that I can use to fetch a list of videos for a subscribed user. My problem is that I couldn't figure out how to filter the response so that I can lower the consumption of my quota limit. Also, I would only need to find out a few details of the video. This is what I got:

private static Google.Apis.Youtube.v3.YoutubeService _youtubeService;

public static void GetList (string id) {
    var response = _youtubeService.Videos.List (id, "snippet");

    // some processing happens here

I would like to enable a filter using the fields parameter as described here . I only want to get the following fields: Snippet and its title and thumbnails and effectively have: fields=items(id,snippet(title,thumbnails(value)))

in my request.

How can I achieve this?


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1 answer

Isn't it the setFields method (which should be a member of a large number of objects descending from YoutubeRequest) intended for this? Something like that:





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