Simple JSON deserialization for dummies

Attempting to deserialize the following json is returned from the web source:

    "cards": [
        "high": "8.27", 
        "volume": 5, 
        "percent_change": "0.00", 
        "name": "Wurmcoil engine", 
        "url": "", 
        "price": "6.81", 
        "set_code": "SOM", 
        "average": "5.67", 
        "change": "0.00", 
        "low": "1.12"}], 
        "currency": "USD"


I am using with a visual base new to both of them, especially the object oriented vb parts. I just would like to get the "price" variable. I created the class as such:

Public Class Card
    Public high As String
    Public volume As String
    Public percent_change As String
    Public name As String
    Public url As String
    Public price As String
    Public set_code As String
    Public average As String
    Public change As String
    Public low As String
End Class


The code I use is:

Public Sub parse_json(url As String)
    Dim blp_json As String = ""
    Dim wClient As New WebClient
    wClient.Proxy = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.DefaultWebProxy
    blp_json = wClient.DownloadString(url)
    Dim card_1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Card)(blp_json)
    PriceTextBox.Text = card_1.price

End Sub


Just try different things to see what I am doing. I am assuming my card class is incorrect, as the "price" seems to be nested in the cards: [{...}]

I don't know about json deserialization at all and how to do it / correctly / in vb.

json serialization

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1 answer

I am using System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer

JSON to deserialize. Your example gets a little more complicated because it cards

contains an array of JSON objects. This is denoted by "[" and "]". This example code will show you how to handle it whether it is an cards

array or not. You can ignore Else

if you are sure there will always be an array incards

Make sure you reference System.Web.Extensions in your project and ...

Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization


and then...

Dim MySerializer As JavaScriptSerializer = New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim dictResult As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = MySerializer.Deserialize(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(blp_json)

Dim dictCard As Dictionary(Of String, Object)

If dictResult.ContainsKey("cards") Then

    If TypeOf dictResult("cards") Is ArrayList Then

        Dim arrResult As ArrayList = DirectCast(dictResult("cards"), ArrayList)

        For Each arrCardRecord In arrResult

            dictCard = DirectCast(arrCardRecord, Dictionary(Of String, Object))

            If dictCard.ContainsKey("price") Then Console.WriteLine(dictCard("price"))

        dictCard = DirectCast(dictResult("cards"), Dictionary(Of String, Object))
        If dictCard.ContainsKey("price") Then Console.WriteLine(dictCard("price"))
    End If

End If



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