Count the number of possible permutations of numbers less than an integer N, given the N-1 constraints

We are given an integer N

, and we need to calculate the total number of substitutions for numbers less than N. We have also given constraints N-1

. eg:.

if N=4

, then count permutations 0,1,2,3




I thought about creating a graph, and then I would count the total number of permutations of numbers at one level and multiply it by the permutations at another level. For example:

In the above example:

           / |  \
          /  |   \
         1   2    3 ------> 3!=6 So total no of permutations are 6.


But I find it difficult to implement it in C++

. In addition, this question was asked in the Facebook hacker cup, the contest is over. I saw other people's code and found that they did it using DFS

. Any help?

c ++ algorithm

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1 answer

The easiest way to do this is to use a standard permutation generator and filter out every permutation that violates the conditions. This is obviously very inefficient and is not computable for large N values. Doing this is the sort of "chatty" option these contests have that allows less intelligent contestants to solve the problem.

A skilled approach requires an understanding of how to count combinations and permutations. To illustrate the method, I'll use an example. Inputs:

   N = 7  
   2 < 4  
   0 < 3  
   3 < 6  


First, let's simplify this by combining the dependent conditions into one condition, as follows:

   2 < 4  
   0 < 3 < 6  


Start with the longest term and define a combination of whitespace counters (this is a key understanding). For example, some of the following combinations:



Now you can see there are 4 spaces :? 0? 3? 6 & le ;. We need to calculate the possible partitions of X in these four spaces. The number of such sections is (7 choose 3) = 35 (can you see why?). Now, further, we multiply by the combination of the following condition, which is equal to 2 <4 over the remaining blank spots (Xs). We can multiply since this condition is completely independent of the condition 0 <3 <6. This is the number of combinations (4 choose 2) = 6. The final condition has 2 values ​​in 2 spots = 2! = 2. So the answer is 35 x 6 x 2 = 420.

Now let's make it a little harder. Add a condition:

   1 < 6


How this will change the calculation is what before 036 should have appeared in that order. But now we have three possible options:



So the total number of samples is now (7 select 4) x 3 x (3 select 2) = 35 x 3 x 3 = 315.

So, to repeat, the procedure is that you isolate the problem in independent conditions. For each independent condition, you calculate the partition combinations, then you multiply them together.

I went through this example by hand, but you can program the same procedure.


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