How can I prevent an AJAX request if it's within 5 seconds of the previous request?

I have a comment field that allows the user to leave comments by pressing enter. It does it with a query AJAX

(jQuery). Is there a good way to prevent an event from burning if it is within 5 seconds after the previous comment and show the message? Or does it have to be handled server side?


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5 answers

This should definitely be handled on the server as well, because the javascript restrictions can be bypassed. But a javascript solution can save traffic and time:

var last_req = 0;
var limit = 5000; //miliseconds
function send_comment() {
  var time = new Date().getTime();
  if(time-last_req<limit)  {
    alert("Wait please");
    return false;
  last_req = time;
  $.get("comment.php", {/*data*/}, function() {});




Depending on your use case, you can use throttle

either debounce


Or check out this post: / ...



This can be done simply with a boolean flag ...

// declare this globally at the top of your script
var allowAjax = true;

// this would be in some event handler (on enter keypress, for example)
if (allowAjax) {
} else {
    // show message saying to wait

allowAjax = false;

setTimeout(function() {
    allowAjax = true;
}, 5000);




I would use this:

timerStarted = true;
timeout = window.setTimeout(function(){
    timerStarted = false;
    // ajax call
, 5000}




This might help you what you want to do:

You need to modify it a little to add a timer and use it for testing to see if a new request is possible.



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