Installation language for reverse geocoding Gmaps v.3

Can anyone now set the language for the reverse php response to geocoding? (always given en)

**Here is the code**
$api_key = "***";

$url = ',30.1066580&output=json&sensor=true_or_false&key=' . $api_key.'&language=uk';

$data = @file_get_contents($url);

$jsondata = json_decode($data,true);

if(is_array($jsondata )&& $jsondata ['Status']['code']==200) {
      $addr = $jsondata ['Placemark'][0]['address'];

echo $addr;
**The Output is**

"L'va Tolstoho street, Bila Tserkva, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine"



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1 answer

If you want English then change the language of the URI variables to 'en' ie & language = en

$url = ',30.1066580&output=json&sensor=true_or_false&key=' . $api_key.'&language=en';


Google Maps API Localization Reference Guide

See a list of all language codes on wikipedia



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