Check system DSN and create system DSN if NOT Existing (ODBC driver for iSeries Access)

Can someone please help me with this? I need to check the system DSN for my ODBC connection to servier AS400 and create a system DSN if any specific one does not exist. I tried searching the internet and couldn't find anything good for me.

btw, I am pretty new to programming. Any help would be much appreciated. thank


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1 answer

After going through some of the less complex examples available online, this is what I was able to come up with (and it works great for me).

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class ODBC_Manager
    public static extern bool SQLConfigDataSource(IntPtr parent, int request, string driver, string attributes);

    public static extern int SQLGetPrivateProfileString(string lpszSection, string lpszEntry, string lpszDefault, string @RetBuffer, int cbRetBuffer, string lpszFilename);

    private const short ODBC_ADD_DSN = 1;
    private const short ODBC_CONFIG_DSN = 2;
    private const short ODBC_REMOVE_DSN = 3;
    private const short ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN = 4;
    private const short ODBC_CONFIG_SYS_DSN = 5;
    private const short ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN = 6;
    private const int vbAPINull = 0;

    public void CreateDSN(string strDSNName)
        string strDriver;
        string strAttributes;

            string strDSN = "";

            string _server = //ip address of the server
            string _user = //username
            string _pass = //password
            string _description = //not required. give a description if you want to

            strDriver = "iSeries Access ODBC Driver";

            strAttributes = "DSN=" + strDSNName + "\0";
            strAttributes += "SYSTEM=" + _server + "\0";
            strAttributes += "UID=" + _user + "\0";
            strAttributes += "PWD=" + _pass + "\0";

            strDSN = strDSN + "System = " + _server + "\n";
            strDSN = strDSN + "Description = " + _description + "\n";

            if (SQLConfigDataSource((IntPtr)vbAPINull, ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN, strDriver, strAttributes))
                Console.WriteLine("DSN was created successfully");
                Console.WriteLine("DSN creation failed...");
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (ex.InnerException != null)

    public int CheckForDSN(string strDSNName)
        int iData;
        string strRetBuff = "";
        iData = SQLGetPrivateProfileString("ODBC Data Sources", strDSNName, "", strRetBuff, 200, "odbc.ini");
        return iData;


... and then call the methods from your application.

static void Main(string[] args)
    ODBC_Manager odbc = new ODBC_Manager();
    string dsnName = //Name of the DSN connection here

    if (odbc.CheckForDSN(dsnName) > 0)
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nODBC Connection " + dsnName + " already exists on the system");
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nODBC Connection " + dsnName + " does not exist on the system");
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress 'Y' to create the connection?");

        string cont = Console.ReadLine();
        if (cont == "Y" || cont == "y")




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