executing shell commands programmatically in android

I have two commands to execute and return the data of My.sh file as two commands and it looks like this

su dhpkd et0

When I try to execute the .sh command in my Android terminal by typing in the name of the .sh file as sh It doesn't give me output, but when I execute it by printing a separate line it works. SO when I program like

nativeProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
nativeProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("dhcpcd eth0");
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) 
    contents.append(line + "\n");


What's bad about it? I am getting the content of the output as zero


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2 answers


in Java starts a new process. So the first line creates a new process su

that is going to just sit and wait for input. The second line starts a new dhcpcd

process that will not be privileged and therefore will not produce useful output.

You want to run dhcpcd

with su

as usual:

exec("su -c dhcpcd eth0")




We can execute command commands using Runtime class like this.



The above code snippet will create its own process for the given ls command, return the same process as the Process object.

More about it Check here



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