XUnit test engine InlineDataAttribute + additional method parameters

Is it possible to perform an xUnit operation if you do not provide additional parameter values ​​in InlineDataAttribute



[InlineData(1, true)] // works
[InlineData(2)]       // error
void Test(int num, bool fast=true){}



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1 answer

Yes it is. There are many ways to do this by overriding some of the original xunit attributes.

The following code is one of them, which will give you some idea.

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class OptionalTheoryAttribute : TheoryAttribute
    protected override IEnumerable<ITestCommand> EnumerateTestCommands(IMethodInfo method)
        var result = (List<ITestCommand>)base.EnumerateTestCommands(method);

            return TransferToSupportOptional(result, method);
        catch (Exception ex)
            result.Add(new LambdaTestCommand(method, () =>
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                        String.Format("An exception was thrown while getting data for theory {0}.{1}:\r\n{2}",
                            method.TypeName, method.Name, ex)
        return result;

    private static IEnumerable<ITestCommand> TransferToSupportOptional(
        IEnumerable<ITestCommand> testCommands, IMethodInfo method)
        var parameterInfos = method.MethodInfo.GetParameters();
            testCommand => typeof(TheoryCommand)
                               .SetValue(testCommand, GetParameterValues(testCommand, parameterInfos)));
        return testCommands;

    private static object[] GetParameterValues(TheoryCommand testCommand, ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
        var specifiedValues = testCommand.Parameters;
        var optionalValues = GetOptionalValues(testCommand, parameterInfos);

        return specifiedValues.Concat(optionalValues).ToArray();

    private static IEnumerable<object> GetOptionalValues(TheoryCommand command, ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
        return Enumerable.Range(command.Parameters.Length, parameterInfos.Length - command.Parameters.Length)
                         .ToList().Select(i =>
                                 return Type.Missing;

    private static void EnsureIsOptional(ParameterInfo parameterInfo)
        if (!parameterInfo.IsOptional)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "The parameter '{0}' should be optional or specified from data attribute.",

internal class LambdaTestCommand : TestCommand
    private readonly Assert.ThrowsDelegate lambda;

    public LambdaTestCommand(IMethodInfo method, Assert.ThrowsDelegate lambda)
        : base(method, null, 0)
        this.lambda = lambda;

    public override bool ShouldCreateInstance
            return false;

    public override MethodResult Execute(object testClass)
            return new PassedResult(testMethod, DisplayName);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return new FailedResult(testMethod, ex, DisplayName);

public class OptionalTheoryTest
    [InlineData(1, true)]
    public void TestMethod(int num, bool fast = true)
        // Arrange
        // Act
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(1, num);




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