Can I access the web service from a user session on the service stack?

I have a standard Hello World web service with my custom auth session because I need additional parameters. The authentication part is working as expected. Below is my CustomUserSession:

public class CustomUserSession : AuthUserSession
    public int? PortalId { get; set; }

    public override void OnAuthenticated(ServiceInterface.IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
        base.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
        var refId = session.UserAuthId;

        var userRep = new InMemoryAuthRepository();
        var userAuth = userRep.GetUserAuth(refId.ToString());
        PortalId = userAuth.RefId;


I have a refId containing a custom parameter from one of my other tables and it gets the correct value when debugging. My question is, can I now call web service methods from this method? For example, if I had an execute method that took an int, can I call it from the overridden OnAuthenticated method?


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2 answers

You can execute a service on ServiceStack with ResolveService<T>


Inside the user's user session:

using (var service = authService.ResolveService<MyService>())
    var response = service.Get(new MyRequest { ... });


Inside ServiceStack:

using (var service = base.ResolveService<MyService>())
    var response = service.Get(new MyRequest { ... });


Outside ServiceStack:

using (var service = HostContext.ResolveService<MyService>())
    var response = service.Get(new MyRequest { ... });




Try to resolve the ServiceInterface.IServiceBase

correct class / interface. Here's an example for IDbConnectionFactory


//Resolve the DbFactory from the IOC and persist the info
authService.TryResolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Exec(dbCmd => dbCmd.Save(PortalId));




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