SQL: Query many tables with the same column name but with a different structure for a specific value

I am working on ERP cleanup and I need to get rid of unused user and user group references. There are many foreign key constraints, and so I want to make sure I really get rid of all traces!

I found this neat tidbit of code to find all tables in my db with a specific column name, in this case consider user groups:

select table_name from information_schema.columns
where column_name = 'GROUP_ID'


With the results, I can search 40+ tables for my unused ID ... but this is tedius. So I would like to automate this and create a query that goes through all these tables and deletes the rows where it finds Unused_Group

in the column GROUP_ID


Before deleting anything I would like to render existing data, so I started building something like this using string concatenation:

declare @group varchar(50) = 'Unused_Group'
declare @table1 varchar(50) = 'TABLE1'
declare @table2 varchar(50) = 'TABLE2'
declare @tableX varchar(50) = 'TABLEX'

select @query1 = 'SELECT ''' + rtrim(@table1)  + ''' as ''Table'', '''
+ rtrim(@group) + ''' = CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT GROUP_ID FROM ' + rtrim(@table1)
+ ' WHERE GROUP_ID = ''' + rtrim(@group) + ''') then ''MATCH'' else ''-'' end FROM '
+ rtrim(@table1)

select @query2 = [REPEAT FOR @table2 to @tableX]...

EXEC(@query1 + ' UNION ' + @query2 + ' UNION ' + @queryX)


This gives me results:

TABLE1  |  Match
TABLE2  |  -
TABLEX  |  Match


This works for my purposes and I can run it for any user group without changing any other code, and of course easily adapts to DELETE

from these same tables, but not manageable for the 75 or so tables I have for interactions between users and groups.

I came across this link in dynamic SQL , which was intense enough and dense enough to scare me at the moment ... but I think the solution might be out there somewhere.

I am very familiar with loops FOR()

in JS and other languages ​​where it would be a piece of pie with a well-structured array, but apparently it is not that easy in SQL (I am still involved, but found a lot of negative talk about the FOR and GOTO ...). Ideally, I would have a script that queries tables with a specific column name, queries each table as above, and spits me a list of matches, then runs a second similar script to delete the rows.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


source to share

3 answers

Okay try it, there are three variables; column, colValue and preview. The column should be the column you are checking for equality (Group_ID), colValue the value you are looking for (Unused_Group), and the preview should be 1 to see what you remove and 0 to remove.

Declare @column     Nvarchar(256),
        @colValue   Nvarchar(256),
        @preview    Bit

Set     @column     = 'Group_ID'        
Set     @colValue   = 'Unused_Group'
Set     @preview    = 1 -- 1 = preview; 0 = delete

If      Object_ID('tempdb..#tables') Is Not Null Drop Table #tables
Create  Table #tables (tID Int, SchemaName Nvarchar(256), TableName Nvarchar(256))

--      Get all the tables with a column named [GROUP_ID]
Insert  #tables
Select  Row_Number() Over (Order By s.name, so.name), s.name, so.name
From    sysobjects so
Join    sys.schemas s
        On  so.uid = s.schema_id
Join    syscolumns sc
        On  so.id = sc.id
Where   so.xtype = 'u'
And     sc.name = @column

Select  *
From    #tables

Declare @SQL Nvarchar(Max),
        @schema Nvarchar(256),
        @table Nvarchar(256),
        @iter Int = 1

--      As long as there are tables to look at keep looping
While   Exists (Select  1
                From    #tables)
        --      Get the next table record to look at
        Select  @schema = SchemaName,
                @table = TableName
        From    #tables
        Where   tID = @iter

        --      If the table we're going to look at has dependencies on tables we have not 
        --      yet looked at move it to the end of the line and look at it after we look 
        --      at it dependent tables (Handle foreign keys)
        If      Exists (Select  1
                        From    sysobjects o
                        Join    sys.schemas s1
                                On  o.uid = s1.schema_id
                        Join    sysforeignkeys fk
                                On  o.id = fk.rkeyid
                        Join    sysobjects o2
                                On  fk.fkeyid = o2.id
                        Join    sys.schemas s2
                                On  o2.uid = s2.schema_id
                        Join    #tables t
                                On  o2.name = t.TableName Collate Database_Default
                                And s2.name = t.SchemaName Collate Database_Default
                        Where   o.name = @table
                        And     s1.name = @schema)
                --      Move the table to the end of the list to retry later
                Update  t
                Set     tID = (Select Max(tID) From #tables) + 1
                From    #tables t
                Where   tableName = @table
                And     schemaName = @schema

                --      Move on to the next table to look at
                Set     @iter = @iter + 1
                --      Delete the records we don't want anymore
                Set     @Sql =  Case
                                When    @preview = 1 
                                Then    'Select * ' -- If preview is 1 select from table
                                Else    'Delete t ' -- If preview is not 1 the delete from table
                                End +
                                'From    [' + @schema + '].[' + @table + '] t
                                Where   ' + @column + ' = ''' + @colValue + ''''

                Exec    sp_executeSQL @SQL;

                --      After we've done the work remove the table from our list
                Delete  t
                From    #tables t
                Where   tableName = @table
                And     schemaName = @schema

                --      Move on to the next table to look at
                Set     @iter = @iter + 1



Turning this into a stored procedure will just change the variable declaration at the top and create a sproc so you get rid of ...

Declare @column     Nvarchar(256),
        @colValue   Nvarchar(256),
        @preview    Bit

Set     @column     = 'Group_ID'        
Set     @colValue   = 'Unused_Group'
Set     @preview    = 1 -- 1 = preview; 0 = delete


And replace it with ...

Create  Proc DeleteStuffFromManyTables (@column Nvarchar(256), @colValue Nvarchar(256), @preview Bit = 1)


And you would call it with ...

Exec    DeleteStuffFromManyTable 'Group_ID', 'Unused_Group', 1


I have commented out hell from code to help you understand what it does; good luck!



You are on the right track with objects INFORMATION_SCHEMA

. Perform the following in the query editor, he expresses expression SELECT


for tables that contain a column GROUP_ID

with the 'Unused_Group'


-- build select DML to manually review data that will be deleted
SELECT 'SELECT * FROM [' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '].[' + TABLE_NAME + '] WHERE [GROUP_ID] = ''Unused_Group'';'

-- build delete DML to remove data
SELECT 'DELETE FROM [' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '].[' + TABLE_NAME + '] WHERE [GROUP_ID] = ''Unused_Group'';'


Since this seems to be a one-time cleanup effort, and especially because you need to view the data before deleting it, I see no value to make it more complex.



Consider adding referential integrity and forcibly removing the cascading delete if you can. This will not help visualize the data before deleting it, but it will help control the orphan axis.



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