Query Driven SSRS Matrix Rows and Columns

Is there a way to create a table / data matrix where groups of rows and columns are cast from a separate query / dataset than the main report data?

Take, for example, a Face construct with columns: - name - Gender - marital_status

I want the columns of the matrix to always contain all "gender groups", and the rows to always contain all "family statuses" regardless of the query criteria, and the row / column intersection to be the cumulative record count.

for example the request could be select * from person where name = 'aaron'

All records returned are "men", but I still want to include a column for "woman" (where all counts in the "female" column will be 0)

I expect the output to look like this:

Marital Status:  ~ Male ~ Female
Single ~ 5 ~ 0
Married ~ 8 ~ 0
Defacto ~ 2 ~ 0


I don't want to make a dummy request like:

select 'male' as gender, null as name, null as marital_status
union all 
select 'female' as gender, null as name, null as marital_status
union all
select * from person where [ ...  criteria]


It would be nice to have 3 datasets driving the matrix if possible ...

  • "RowData" containing select distinct marital_status from person

  • "ColumnData" containing select distinct gender from person

  • "MainData" containing `select * from a person, where [... criteria]

Is there a way to get the Matrix control to use separate queries for Row / Column groups?


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1 answer

Why is it so difficult? Think simpler ... Create a query in SQL like this:

Gender AS
    SELECT 1 AS GenderID, 'Male' AS GenderName
    SELECT 2 AS GenderID, 'Female' AS GenderName
MartialStatus AS
    SELECT 1 AS MartialStatusID, 'Single' AS MStatus
    SELECT 2 AS MartialStatusID, 'Married' AS MStatus
Persons AS
    SELECT 1 AS PersonID, 'John' AS Name, 1 AS GenderID, 2 AS MartialStatusID
    SELECT 2 AS PersonID, 'Linda' AS Name, 2 AS GenderID, 1 AS MartialStatusID
    SELECT 3 AS PersonID, 'Mike' AS Name, 1 AS GenderID, 1 AS MartialStatusID
    SELECT 4 AS PersonID, 'Jenna' AS Name, 2 AS GenderID, 1 AS MartialStatusID  
SELECT Gender.GenderName, MartialStatus.MStatus, Persons.PersonID, Persons.Name
FROM Gender
CROSS JOIN MartialStatus
LEFT JOIN Persons ON Persons.GenderID = Gender.GenderID AND 
                     Persons.MartialStatusID = MartialStatus.MartialStatusID



Male    Single   3      Mike
Female  Single   2      Linda
Female  Single   4      Jenna
Male    Married  1      John
Female  Married  NULL    NULL


Then in BIDS in your matrix map the columns and rows: enter image description here

The expression here =IIF(Sum(Fields!PersonID.Value) IS Nothing, 0, Sum(Fields!PersonID.Value))

to print is 0 if we don't have people. And you will get the result you want:

enter image description here

It will be easier and better for performance.



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