Choosing a NOT IN and Many to Many relationship

I have many, many relationships

| user_id | name   |
| 1       | user1  |
| 2       | user2  |
| 3       | user3  |

| type_id | name   |
| 1       | type1  |
| 2       | type2  |
| 3       | type3  |

| user_id | type_id |
| 1       | 1       |
| 1       | 2       |
| 1       | 3       |
| 2       | 1       |
| 2       | 2       |
| 3       | 3       |


I'm trying to build a query so that if I'm a user of type 3, don't return that user at all. So far, I have a query that excludes users who are of type 3, but they return if other types are assigned to them as well.

FROM `user` `t` 
LEFT OUTER JOIN `type` `type_type` ON (`t`.`user_id`=`type_type`.`user_id`) 
LEFT OUTER JOIN `type` `type` ON (`type`.`type_id`=`type_type`.`type_id`) 
WHERE ((type.type_ids NOT IN (3));


the above query will still return user_id 1

since this user is assigned to multiple types, how can I exclude users of type 3 no matter how many other types are they assigned?


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2 answers

Try this for your suggestion where


where t.user_id not in (select user_id from usertypes where type_id = 3)


In MySQL, the following might be more efficient:

where not exists (select 1 from usertypes ut where ut.type_id = 3 and ut.user_id = t.user_id)


By the way, "t" is a lousy alias for users

, especially if you are using another table called types

. "u" would be the best alias.



The subquery IN()

should return user_id

which one has type_id = 3


  COUNT(DISTINCT `t`.`user_id`)
 `user` `t` 
WHERE `user_id NOT IN (SELECT `user_id` FROM `type_type` WHERE `type_id` = 3)


This can also be done by using LEFT JOIN

for the same subquery looking NULL

in the table type_type


  COUNT(DISTINCT `t`.`user_id`)
 `user` `t` 
   SELECT `user_id` FROM `type_type` WHERE `type_id` = 3
 ) user3 ON t.user_id = user3.user_id
WHERE user3.type_id IS NULL


In fact, the combined subquery is not even needed. It will work with simple LEFT JOIN


  COUNT(DISTINCT `t`.`user_id`)
 `user` `t` 
 LEFT JOIN type_type ON t.user_id = type_type.user_id AND type_type.type_id = 3
WHERE type_type.type_id IS NULL!2/b36b1/10



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