Capturing SQL Notifications from Propel ORM

I have a large SQL function that I want to execute on a PostgreSQL database via PHP / Propel using a prepared statement:

$sql = "lots of SQL statements";
$statement = $propelPDO->prepare($sql);


In the SQL statements I am trying to execute, there are many calls to "raise information ..." and "raise warning ..." which display debug information. While executing SQL from the command line, I see these notifications that help me debug SQL:

psql -h hostname database username < lots_of_sql_statements.sql


My question is, is there a way to capture the information and warning messages raised in SQL from PHP so that I can log them for later analysis? I am running SQL on a lot of different records and it would be great to be able to log notifications instead of going to the command line every time to see debug information.


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1 answer

Ok if you are using actual Propel objects you can catch messages by catching PropelException

try {
} catch (PropelException $pe) {


Otherwise, you are just limited to PDO error handling functions:



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