
Change image with radio button and jquery

I've tried a few things and it doesn't seem to work the way I want it to.

<div id="box1">
    <h2>Question 1</h2>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q1a" name="q1"><label for="q1a">A</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q1b" name="q1"><label for="q1b">B</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q1c" name="q1"><label for="q1c">C</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q1d" name="q1"><label for="q1d">D</label></li>
    <img src="../images/q1.jpg" alt="" class="src">
<div id="box2">
    <h2>Question 2</h2>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q2a" name="q2"><label for="q2a">A</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q2b" name="q2"><label for="q2b">B</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q2c" name="q2"><label for="q2c">C</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q2d" name="q2"><label for="q2d">D</label></li>
            <img src="../images/q2.jpg" alt="" class="src">
<div id="box3">
    <h2>Question 3</h2>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q3a" name="q3"><label for="q3a">A</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q3b" name="q3"><label for="q3b">B</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q3c" name="q3"><label for="q3c">C</label></li>
        <li><input type="radio" id="q3d" name="q3"><label for="q3d">D</label></li>
            <img src="../images/q3.jpg" alt="" class="src">


I have 3 boxes, each with a unique ID. 4 questions each, each radio button labeled correctly. My script for changing it along these lines.



I understand that if I were to replace the first $ (this) with $ ('img') that it would work, but that would cause all the images to change and I want the radio to reflect the image to the same parent div. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

I suspect that when I ask img, this is what I use for images, doesn't work the way I want it to.



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5 answers


selects only the next item using that item, you can use the method closest

and select the target image using the method find






img is the "next" sibling of the <ul>

switch ancestor (presumably). You can traverse the DOM easily with jQuery:







... closeest ()



try it



Here are the docs



There is one change you need to make.


what .parent().parent()

will do is get parent radio container and get tag img




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