SKPaymentTransaction originalTransaction.transactionReceipt nil for non-consumable recovery

After calling restoreCompletedTransactions, for non-consumable, the returned SKPaymentTransactions seem to have a null value in the originalTransaction.transactionReceipt property. This is where the documentation says we should find the original transactionReceipt:

Has anyone really got this to be non-zero - and if so, how?

In the returned SKPaymentTransactions, it appears as if the actual valid transactional connection belongs to the transactionReceipt property (and not the originalTransaction.transactionReceipt property).


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2 answers

It happened to me.

It's strange, but even if Apple states in its documentation what transactionReceipt

is in originalTransaction

, I found transactionReceipt

in the original class SKPaymentTransaction


So, I set up a little check before choosing which transaction to go next:

SKPaymentTransaction *passedTransaction = nil;
if (transaction.transactionReceipt) {
    passedTransaction = transaction;
} else if (transaction.originalTransaction.transactionReceipt) {
    passedTransaction = transaction.originalTransaction;



I also faced the same problem. It would seem transactionReceipt

to originalTransaction

will always return zero when restoring purchases. From the discussion in apple docs for transactionReceipt


Discussion The
content of this property is undefined unless it is transactionState

set to SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored


Since it is transactionState

always set to during restore (consumable item) SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased

, the property originalTransaction.transactionReceipt

will always be nil.



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