Why does not access self-declaration, warns the compiler in a block owned by itself

I am a little confused about the memory management / save loops. Here's a simple class:

@interface Test : NSObject {
    NSObject *objectA;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject *objectB;

- (void)methodA;


Let's say I have a block owned by an instance of Test. In this block I do:

    objectA = nil;


I get the compiler slackening by saying that it is trapping itself in this block and that will result in loops being saved. What for? I don't see myself here.

Then if I do:

self.objectB = nil;


No warnings! Anyway, I should expect a warning here.

Also, if:

[self methodA];


I am getting military affairs here. So I'm not really sure what's going on behind the scenes. I would have expected the first one to give me no warnings, and the last 2 to give me a warning (since I am holding a strong pointer to myself), but this is actually the opposite.

Here's an example:

@interface ListVC () {
    NSObject *objectA;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject *objectB;
- (void)methodA;


and in viewDidLoad:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [self.tableView addPullToRefreshWithActionHandler:^{
        self.objectB = nil; //no warning here
        objectA = nil; //warning here
        [self methodA]; //warning here (if i place this above previous warning



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2 answers

It seems to me that the compiler just doesn't stop you from warning you about the same block several times. I'm not sure what counts as a function, but I don't see what else might be happening.

Assuming we are using the exact same compiler version (my Apple LLVM 4.2) try this:

@interface Jubilee : NSObject

@property (copy, nonatomic) NSData * d;


@implementation Jubilee
    NSString * s;
    dispatch_block_t block;

@synthesize d;

- (void)erase
    block = ^{
        s = @"Agamemnon";

    block = ^{
        self.d = [NSData data];

    block = ^{
        [self prevaricate];


- (void)assemble
    block = ^{
        s = @"Agamemnon";
        self.d = [NSData data];
        [self prevaricate];

- (void)prevaricate



I get a warning on every block inside erase

, but only for the first line of the block in assemble

. The warning will be correct on any of these lines. When you reference the ivar, it is implicit self->ivar;

and the block will store self

, not the object in the ivar.



The first warning is correct. Access to an instance variable in a block will be implicitly persisted. The fact that you won't get a warning for the second statement almost seems like a compiler error.



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