Obtaining the performance indicators of the classifier from the ROCR forecasting object

I am using ROCR to get performance measurements of various classification algorithms on my dataset. Although I can easily get the AUC figure relatively easily using the following code example:

predictions <- predict(rfmodel, test, type="prob")
pred.obj <- prediction(predictions[,2], data$response)
rfperf <- performance(pred.obj, "tpr","fpr")
print(sprintf("random forest AUC %f", as.numeric(performance(pred.obj,"auc")@y.values)))


I'm having trouble fetching other results like precision, recall, f, etc. as one value that I could include in the table in my article. I've tried the following:

> p <- performance(pred.obj,"prec", "rec")
> as.numeric(p@x.values)
Error: (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'


I can display the values, but that's not what I would like. Any ideas?


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2 answers

The problem is that the output is a list. Try as.numeric (unlist ( p@x.values ))



It has to do with the structure of the perf function's return object. Using str on it will help.

p@x.values is a single element list that is a vector of numeric values. Just use



to extract the vector.



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