Tell in ActionFilterAttribute if this is a redirect

I am trying to create an ActionFilterAttribute that only fires once per request, so I am doing something like this.

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    if (filterContext.IsChildAction)

    // More stuff here


I may need to check which is also wrong in some cases filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()

, but my real problem is how to tell it is not a redirect. When an activity is X

redirected to an activity Y

, the filter is fired twice, once for X

and once for Y

( IsChildAction

false for Y


I tried to store some key on filterContext.HttpContext.Items

, which will tell me that the filter is already running, but those items are not shared between X

and Y


Any ideas how I can tell from ActionExecutingContext

what this redirect is?


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1 answer

I believe that something like this is what you are looking for:

Using MVC action filter to intercept redirects in Ajax requests and return JsonResult

You can check if it is a redirect result or a redirect to route result.

var redirectResult = filterContext.Result as RedirectResult;
    if (filterContext.Result is RedirectResult)
        // It was a RedirectResult => do something
    else if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
        // It was a RedirectToRouteResult => do something





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