Why does AREL add OR IN (NULL) to BETWEEN terms?

The model has a scope:

scope :daily, lambda {|day| where :post_time => 
  [day.beginning_of_day() .. day.end_of_day()] }



declares non-nullable on the database, but AREL insists on adding false IN (NULL)

to the generated SQL:

SELECT `<table>`.* FROM `<table>` 
WHERE (`<table>`.`post_time` 
     BETWEEN '2013-02-05 00:00:00' AND '2013-02-05 23:59:59' 
     OR `<table>`.`post_time` IN (NULL))


How can I stop it from doing this? Obviously I can add another condition not_eq(nil)

, :post_time != nil

or similar, but my question is why AREL does this, and how can I prevent it without additional conditions to negate it.


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1 answer

It looks like you are confusing isl by passing in an array of ranges (although why this adds an extra clause I'm not sure).

scope :daily, lambda {|day| where :post_time => 
  (day.beginning_of_day() .. day.end_of_day()) }


should be fine.



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