Zend framework 2 accessing global config in model class

I have a model class that does not extend the main Zend module. This model was imported from my previous Zend Framework 1. I can call its methods by translating it into a namespace. The problem is I have a global config reading aside from certain methods.

In the case of a controller, I was able to access the global config using below code

 $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config'); 

// This gives a union of global configuration along with module configuration .


But what should we do to access the configuration in the model class. Below is an example of my model class

namespace test\Http; 

class Request

    protected $client;

    public function abc( $c)
        return $something;




I'm new to Zend framework 2, please suggest any method to achieve this.

In the above description, model means (MVC model class) which has some business logic in it.


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3 answers

Assuming you are creating your service (your code looks like a service), you will probably create an instance in the service factory (in this case, I put it in the module config):

class MyModule
    public function getServiceConfig()
        return array(
            'factories' => array(
                'my_request_object' => function (
                    \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $sl
                ) {
                    $config = $sl->get('config'); 

                    return new \GaGooGl\Http\Request($config);


This way you inject the config object directly into your consumer (without referencing the service locator on the consumer)

Another way is to implement Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface

in GaGooGl\Http\Request

. I personally discourage this , but it basically allows you to have your object Request

contain a reference to the service locator inside, so to get the service config

at runtime.



Check this one . It has two solutions. One implements an interface that supports a service locator. Another is to inject a service manager into your model. For both, you need to instantiate the model object through the service manager.



the simplest way to do it

$config = new \Zend\Config\Config( include APPLICATION_PATH.'/config/autoload/global.php' ); 




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