JavaScript / jQuery always has the latest element or version of that element?

I am writing a usercript that grabs an element with something like:

var theElement = $('div.someClass:last');


To grab the last element in the class .someClass

, I can parse it.

This brings up my question. There is another script on this page dynamically adding a new <div class="someClass">

one every time. I want to always have the last element on the page with the selected class .someClass


Will Javascript / jQuery always have the last element or will I have to manually "update" it?


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3 answers

Sushant's answer is correct, but according to this article, you could use

var theElements = document.getElementsByClassName('someClass');


and then reliably use

var theElement = $(theElements[theElements.length - 1]); // wrapping in $() is optional


which should be done as $ (selector) is a rather expensive operation.

edit - only for ie9 and up, although



Your selector is evaluated and the result is returned. If you want to do what you ask, you will have to reevaluate this selector.



Not. It won't automatically update.

Every time you change something directly to the selector it is a good idea to cache it again.

The selector you want is not a live Node.

In such cases, if there is any change to the selector, I prefer not to cache at all in the first case.

So that I can use the selector directly and not the cached one.



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