CoffeeScript, prototypal inheritance and constructors

In CoffeeScript, it appears that the superclass constructor is not called when the subclass is instantiated.

Is there a way to get around this?

Here's an example:

class A
    element = null

    constructor: ->
        element = document.createElement "div"

    hide: => = "none"

class B extends A
    constructor: ->
        @hide() #error!


I would expect the constructor to be called first A

, then the constructor B

. If it B

then calls the method hide

, it should hide the element created in the constructor A

instead of saying it element

is null.



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1 answer

I think you need to call super on the subclass

class A
    element = null

    constructor: ->
        element = document.createElement "div"

    hide: => = "none"

class B extends A
    constructor: ->
        @hide() #error!



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