How can I fix Heroku imagecreatefromjpeg ()

heroku tell me the error: call the undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg () .. at line 177, where on line 177: case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $ image_data = imagecreatefromjpeg ($ src_image); break;

I think hero doesn't support jpeg or something else, what can I do in this case?


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2 answers

You will need to use your own buildpack with imagick or gd compilation.

I don't believe the latest version of heroku's official PHP buildpack has support for this, but I've created my own builds for this too.

See (This version builds on top of 5.4.11 using PHP-FPM, but you can select the older tagged branch for 5.3 support with mod_php.)



In Heroku, GD is a "generic" extension that you can include in composer.json. No custom buildpack required, just add the ext-gd line to composer.json


  "require": {
    "ext-gd": "*"




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