Is there a maven3 plugin for jenkins?

Does jenkins support maven3 via a specific plugin .. Or, is it ok to use the maven 2 plugin with jenkins (even for maven 3 projects) ...?

The specific plugin I'm talking about is here: .


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2 answers

The plugin works for maven 3 as well, and the actual maven version that is used is what is configured in the job.

To install the installed versions of maven, go to Manage Jenkins → Configure System -> Maven Installs and configure.

If more than one maven installation is installed on each job under Build, there will be an option for the maven version. If only one version of maven is installed that will be the default.



Yes, just use the Maven 2 plugin. Much about Maven 3 is still very "Maven 2" -isch. Even the environment variable M2_HOME

is still in use.



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