HTML5 Canvas - Sharing Saved Image on Social Media

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

I've looked through endless posts on this forum but still can't seem to achieve what after.

I created an html5 canvas that saves drawings and images of users. When a user clicks on a post, they will be prompted to create a popup (lightboxes) preview of its image with the option to share the image on social media using

This is what I have done so far. 1. On my canvas, I have a button named #btnPreview

$("#btnPreview").click(function (event) {
    var strDataURI = canvas.toDataURL("png");
    var proporcao = 1;
    var proporcaoW = 500 / canvas.width;
    var proporcaoH = 400 / canvas.height;
    if (proporcaoW < proporcaoH) {
        proporcao = proporcaoW;
    } else {
        proporcao = proporcaoH;
    $("#addthis_shareable").width(canvas.width * proporcao).height(canvas.height * proporcao).attr("src", strDataURI);
    //  $("#imgPreview").width(canvas.width*proporcao).height(canvas.height*proporcao).attr("src", strDataURI);


which opens the lightbox popup.

  1. The image is saved in <img id"imgPreview" src"data:image/png;base64,....">

    when I try to share the image with the description on facebook, twitter, etc, it doesn't work.

I know what the problem is, but cannot create the javascript and php script required for this task.

what i want to achieve is ask this forum for the best practice for this concept.

My idea is to create a save.Php script that saves the .png file without prompts on the server or creates a fake url

when I click#btnPreview

after the popup loads, my img url will be

<img id"imgPreview" src"">


This is a closed example I found
Example 1 which leads to Example 2
Example 2: Save base64
Example 3 Save canvas as JPG or PNG
Example 4 Very close to what after - Bottom answer

I hope I have explained this correctly.

We look forward to receiving your responses.


source to share

2 answers

Two scenarios are possible:

  • To be able to share photos and posts with Facebook, you need to first save the photo to your server (or at least serve from your application).
  • If you want to post this as an image (photo) to Facebook, you will need to do OAuth2.0 so that your app sends the photo to Facebook on behalf of the user.


Check this: Fabric.js canvas.toDataURL () posted to PHP Ajax As you can see you can send your PNG base64 data of your canvas and generate an image in PHP server side. This is the code that can be used in PHP on the server side:



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