Select DISTINCT rows from multiple columns in mysql

I have a table called sk_messages

. The structure looks like this:

msg_id     msg_from_user_id  msg_to_user_id  msg_text   msg_date     msg_status  

 1              12                14          hai...   23-12-2013      unread

 2              12                14         ....     ...             unread

 3              13                 14        ...      ..               unread


My requirement is that I want to display all messages that are for the current user, with the proviso that one message should be displayed from the sender, even if he sends multiple messages with an unread status. From the above context, one post from user ID 12. I tried the following query but it doesn't work.

SELECT DISTINCT (msg_from_user_id), msg_text, msg_date
 FROM sk_messages
 WHERE msg_to_user_id =  '$user_id'
 AND msg_status =  'unread'
 ORDER BY msg_date

$user_id is the id of the login user



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3 answers

Try group

user by id.

SELECT msg_text, msg_date
 FROM sk_messages
 WHERE msg_to_user_id =  '$user_id'
 AND msg_status =  'unread'
GROUP BY msg_from_user_id
 ORDER BY msg_date

Tested code for getting last message

'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM message WHERE user_id = 1 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1) as msg  GROUP BY user_id '



Try this instead:

FROM sk_messages AS m1
   SELECT msg_from_user_id, MAX(msg_date) AS LatestDate
   FROM sk_messages
   WHERE msg_to_user_id =  '$user_id' 
     AND msg_status =  'unread'
   GROUP BY msg_from_user_id
) AS m2  ON m1.msg_from_user_id = m2.msg_from_user_id
        AND m1.msg_date         = m2.LatestDate
ORDER BY m1.msg_date;


SQL Fiddle Demo



Use this

 SELECT msg_from_user_id,
       msg_text, msg_date
       FROM sk_messages
 WHERE msg_to_user_id =  '$user_id'
 AND msg_status =  'unread'
 ORDER BY msg_date  GROUP BY msg_from_user_id



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