Git push - Out of memory, calloc failed and package objects died with a strange error

I got this problem when I try to push my repo to bitbucket for the first time:

[~/public_html]# git push -u origin --all
Counting objects: 2170, done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
fatal: Out of memory, calloc failed  
error: pack-objects died with strange error


I found similar suggestions on StackOverflow that suggest using repack with --window-memory and -max-pack-size, but I get almost the same error:

[~/public_html]# git repack -a -d --window-memory 10m --max-pack-size 10m
Counting objects: 2170, done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
fatal: Out of memory, calloc failed


My server has 4GB of memory, so I can't see how it ends. I don't have any special big files and my entire repo is only 12 MB

I have already done some searches but I cannot find anything special in my case.

What could be here?


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1 answer

It looks like your web host is not allowing certain memory allocation instructions. You might want to try and compile your own version of git with mmap disabled.

For reference: Git #Setup_Two: _More_Thoughtful



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