Preventing the user from modifying the .gitignore file?

Are there any reasons to force the user not to modify the .gitignore file. I mean, let's say someone changes or deletes this file and pushes those changes.


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3 answers

With Gitolite , the pre-receive Hooks are called VREFS ( Virtual Links , also here) : don Don't set the pre-receive bind directly in gitolite managed repositories, do it by adding the VREF to the VREF

repo directory gitolite-admin

and Gitolite will distribute it to the repository.

The section " Limiting clicks on a dir / file name " illustrates how to restrict clicks on file and file names. > This is one of the VREFs that you don't need to add to the directory VREF

, in fact (it is part of the update hook managed by Gitolite. For additional update binding see here ).

So changing gitolite.conf

in the repo gitolite-admin

and pushing back the admin repository to the gitolite server is enough.

repo foo
        RW+                             =   @senior_devs
        RW                              =   @junior_devs

        -   VREF/NAME/Makefile          =   @junior_devs




Git is decentralized. When someone cloned a repo, it is completely under their control, including the file .gitignore


What you can do is prevent users from pushing certain files to your server using a Git hook that checks the specified file types and refuses the user to push.

Read the preliminary approvals . And write a script that looks for the specified file types.

Check your repo .git/hooks

, there will be a list of example files that will show you how to handle it. Also read this article to avoid an easy mistake.


I'm not very good with shell scripting, but here's a small script that disallows .php and .css files and informs the user before canceling. It is located in .git/hooks/pre-receive

. Don't forget to make it executable ( chmod +x

), otherwise it won't work.

while read oldrev newrev refname
  if [[ `git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $newrev | grep -e 'css\|php'` != "" ]]
    echo "Cannot push this"
    exit 1;




You can set the pre-receive hook on the server side and refuse to push if .gitignore




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