Adding arrays (rbind for> 2 dimensions)

I have a series of calls that leave me with a list of arrays. The first size is different in number and the two measurements are the same. I want to place each row (first dimension) on top of each other, just like it rbind

would do for a 2d array (matrix).

The data looks like this:

la <- list( array( dim=c(1,6,7) ), array( dim=c(2,6,7) ), array( dim=c(3,6,7) ) )


I cannot use, la)

because it just aligns it to matrix.

I could write something like:

rbind.array <- function(..., deparse.level=1) {
   allargs <- list(...)
   n <- length(allargs)
   dims <- sapply(la,dim)
   sel.dim <- which(!apply( dims, 1, function(x) length(unique(x))==1 ))
   target.length <- apply( dims, 1, sum)[sel.dim]
   target.dims <- dims[,1]
   target.dims[sel.dim] <- target.length
   res <- array( dim=target.dims )
   for( i in seq(n) ) {
      # stack array slices one by one


But surely such a function already exists?


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1 answer

I think abind

from abind doing this ...?

abind(la[[1]],la[[2]],la[[3]],along = 1)


In addition to the solution, Curry

this also works:"abind",list(la,along = 1))




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