How do I configure the "high_voltage" gem to serve static images?

I am trying to use the "high_voltage" gem to provide authentication around my pages (actually some completely independent sites with a static html / css tree). It works, but images are not loading. If I go to the image path, the original image code is returned as text, resulting in "ActionView :: WrongEncodingError in Pages # show". If I put the static html folder in / public, all images are loaded as expected. Apparently my PageController is trying template-like static images. How can I fix this?

I have overridden PageController as described here:

# in config/routes.rb

  match "/pages/*id" => 'pages#show', :as => :page,  :format => false

# in app/controller/pages_controller.rb

  before_filter :authenticate_client!
  layout :nil

  def show



I'm new to RoR, so any general help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Here is the complete error message

ActionView::WrongEncodingError in Pages#show

Showing /home/robert/Coding/RailsPlayground/JoSchaefer/app/views/pages/myWebsite/images/test.png where line # raised:

Your template was not saved as valid UTF-8. Please either specify UTF-8 as the encoding for your template in your text editor, or mark the template with its encoding by inserting the following as the first line of the template:

# encoding: <name of correct encoding>.

The source of your template was:


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Extracted source (around line #):

Rails.root: /home/robert/Coding/RailsPlayground/JoSchaefer

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:7:in `show'


Show session dump

Show env dump






source to share

2 answers

After looking at the source for "high_voltage", I was able to "fix" my problem simply by sending the source file:

    # in /app/controllers/pages_controller.rb
      def show
        logger.debug "Current page is: #{current_page}"
        custom_authentication current_page
        send_file "app/views/#{current_page}", :disposition => 'inline'
        # super


This is a super overlooked method HighVoltage::PagesController


    # source of 'high_voltage' gem
    # in app/controllers/high_voltage/pages_controller.rb
      def show
        render :template => current_page


I am aware of the security risk as current_page

derived from params[:id]

. However, it HighVoltage::PageFinder

seems to sanitize the given input:

    # source of 'high_voltage' gem
    # in lib/high_voltage/page_finder.rb

        VALID_CHARACTERS = "a-zA-Z0-9~!@$%^&*()#`_+-=\"{}|[];',?".freeze
        def clean_path
          path ="/#{clean_id}")

        def clean_id


Going to http://localhost:3000/pages/../shouldNotBeAccessed.html

leads to http://localhost:3000/shouldNotBeAccessed.html

, and PagesController

never gets called, which is fine, but http://localhost:3000/pages/something/../somethingElse.html

calls PagesController

and the log gives me "Current page: pages / somethingElse.html" so that path traversal is possible, how long it takes in app / views / pages /. ., which is an acceptable way for me.



If you are using Rails 3.2 you are probably relying on the asset pipeline. The agreement is to place the images in the catalog of resources, which (by default) app/assets/images

, lib/assets/images

and vendor/assets/images

. Possible solutions: move your images or expand resource directories as described in this Rails tutorial .

EDIT: Extending resource directories in your case (add to yours application.rb


config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("app","views","pages","myWebsite")




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