Why is the onDraw () call constantly?

I have a small application that uses a custom LinearLayout called LinearlayoutOutlined. I want to draw different sized and colored rectangles in it. It also has two text labels indicating time intervals. After some user action, the layout should be redrawn. So I update the layout like

slotPanel.setDayBoundariesInMinutes( db, dw );
TimeSlot[] tSlots = nextDaysSlots.getGaps( dayOfWeek );
slotPanel.setItems( tSlots );


where slotpanel is a LinearLayoutOutlined instance.

I found that the onDraw method gets called all the time. This does not stop the call after a certain number of cycles.

Here's the whole LinearLayoutOutlined class:

com.widgets package;

public class LinearLayoutOutlined extends LinearLayout {
    private int workingTimeBeginsInMinutes;
    private int workingTimeFinishesInMinutes;
    private TimeSlot[] items;
    private Rect outline;
    private Paint strokePaint = new Paint();
    SimpleDateFormat formatter;
    public LinearLayoutOutlined( Context context ) {
        super( context );
        setWillNotDraw( false );
    public LinearLayoutOutlined( Context context, AttributeSet attrs ) {
        super( context, attrs );
        setWillNotDraw( false );
    public void setWorkingTimeBeginsInMinutes( int m ) {
        this.workingTimeBeginsInMinutes = m;
    public void setWorkingTimeFinishesInMinutes( int m ) {
        this.workingTimeFinishesInMinutes = m;
    public void setDayWidthInMinutes( int dayWidthInMinutes ) {
        this.workingTimeFinishesInMinutes = this.workingTimeBeginsInMinutes +  dayWidthInMinutes;
    public void setDayBoundariesInMinutes( int daybeginInMinutes, int dayWidthInMinutes ) {
        setWorkingTimeBeginsInMinutes( daybeginInMinutes );
        setDayWidthInMinutes( dayWidthInMinutes );
    private int getWorkingTimeBeginsInMinutes() {
        return workingTimeBeginsInMinutes;
    public int getWorkingTimeFinishesInMinutes() {
        return workingTimeFinishesInMinutes;
    public void setItems( TimeSlot[] items ) {
        this.items = items;
    protected void onDraw( Canvas canvas ) {
        if( items == null ) return;
        // time labels
        TextView tvFrom = ( TextView )findViewById( R.id.lblStartingTime ), tvTo = ( TextView )findViewById( R.id.lblFinishingTime );
        formatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "HH:mm", Locale.getDefault() );
        tvFrom.setText( formatter.format( new Date( getWorkingTimeBeginsInMinutes() * 60000L ) ) );
        tvTo.setText( formatter.format( new Date( getWorkingTimeFinishesInMinutes() * 60000L ) ) );
        strokePaint.setStyle( Paint.Style.STROKE );
        strokePaint.setStrokeWidth( 1 );
        strokePaint.setStyle( Style.FILL );
        outline = canvas.getClipBounds();
        Convert.setDayBoundaries( getWorkingTimeBeginsInMinutes(), getWorkingTimeFinishesInMinutes(), outline );
        for( TimeSlot slotItem: items ) {
            RectTouchable rect = Convert.ToRect( slotItem );
            if( slotItem.isFree() )
                strokePaint.setARGB( 255, 0, 255, 0 );
                strokePaint.setARGB( 255, 255, 0, 0 );
            canvas.drawRect( rect.getRect(), strokePaint );


Please let me know what should I do? Thank you in advance

I don't understand why I can't add a comment to my own question?!?

@Romain Guy: Thanks! OK I understood. But I have to setText () along with drawin box. The text labels overlap, they are the topmost. What should I do?


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2 answers

Every time you call setText()

on TextView

, the UI toolkit has to relay and redraw the interface. Since you do this every time you call onDraw()

, you basically created an infinite paint loop.

There are other problems with the drawing method: you don't have to do findViewById()

every time, you should SimpleDateFormat

n't create a new Date

one every time , you shouldn't create new objects every time, etc.



You can avoid an infinite loop if you call setText in onDraw () only if the text has changed. Use this method instead of setText:

void setTextIfChanged(TextView tv, CharSequence text) {
    if (!text.equals(tv.getText()))




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