Is it possible to run a command without a headgear (in a bat script) as another user on Windows?

I want a .bat script to do a specific task as a different user and run without a headgear (no user input or prompt). Is there a way to do this with a .bat script? Please note that I am not allowed to use PowerShell as it is not installed by default on all Windows operating systems that we need to support.

I've looked at RUNAS in my script, but it seems to require interactive input.

On Linux, the equivalent idiom is:

echo "Password" | sudo -S -u username "command"


Any suggestions for Windows.bat scripts?

Update: I believe vbscript is always available on Windows, so if just a mute solution is available for vbscript, then that's fine too!


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3 answers

Here's another alternative:

wmic /user:username /password:pass process call create "cmd /c \"d:\\path\\to\\program.exe\" /arg etc"


EDIT . Apparently this prevents authentication with separate credentials on the local machine.

There is a way to call runas

with vbscript and have vbscript send the password to the console to automate the password entry.

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") "runas /noprofile /user:USERNAME " + Chr(34) + "d:\path\to\command.exe /args" + Chr(34)
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "PASSWORD"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
set WshShell = nothing


Save this in a file .vbs

and call it viacscript /nologo script.vbs

If you need to run this from within a batch script, just do some creative echoes.

@echo off

set username=username
set password=password
set program=d:\path\to\program.exe /arg argument

echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(^"Wscript.Shell^")>runas.vbs
echo ^"runas /netonly /noprofile /user:%username% ^" + Chr(34) + ^"%program%^" + Chr(34)>>runas.vbs
echo WScript.Sleep 500>>runas.vbs
echo WshShell.SendKeys ^"%password%^">>runas.vbs
echo WshShell.SendKeys ^"{ENTER}^">>runas.vbs
echo set WshShell = nothing>>runas.vbs
cscript /nologo runas.vbs
del /q runas.vbs


If that doesn't work for you, you can also use psexec to run the program with different credentials.

psexec -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD d:\path\to\command.exe


The only alternative I can think of is to run your script via a Group Policy startup script that will execute the script from the system account. I also thought about calling it from the registry HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

, but I think it might start it on the first user to log in after a reboot.



Try the command runas


runas /user:"DOMAIN\user" "C:\Program Files\path\to\program.exe" /savecred


You can save your credentials with /savecred

and not enter it at other times.



runas is the correct way to do it. Add the /username user /savecred

first time you run the package, it will ask for the user password and save it so that next time it will run with the saved credentials



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