Create img tags with Noir from list

I have a list of photo links and want to generate img tags using clojure and noir.

This is where I get links:

(def photos
(->> (get-in result ["photoset" "photo"]) (map #(str "http://farm"(get % "farm")
""(get % "server")"/"(get % "id")"_"(get % "secret")"_b.jpg"))))





And then I try to create img tags from this list:

(defpage "/" []
 (doseq [e photos] (prn e))


(calls (defpartial layout [& content] ...)

I'm trying to get the following output for each link for a noir site:

[:img {:src "url"}]


I tested this one but without success:

(doseq [e photos] ([:img {:src e}]))


How do I pass links to the layout so that it generates img tags?



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1 answer

Any of these should work:

(map #(vector :img {:src %}) photos)

(for [url photos]
  [:img {:src url}])


Edit: As mentioned by Chuck , doseq

intended for side effects. You want to "collect" the results and send them to the template. To do this, you need to use a list comprehension, for example for

or just map

by your collection.

I hate rain on your parade, but so you know noir is out of date



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