Boolean "sum" in XSLT

I know I can sum multiple nodes with numerical values. How can I perform a "boolean sum" over a set of nodes? For example:



How can I get the logical OR of all <b>

node values ? (which must be "true").


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2 answers


boolean(/*/b[. = 'true'])


This creates the boolean value of the expression :

 /*/b[. = 'true']


and is true when the specified expression selects at least one node , that is, when exists b

, which is a child of the top element and whose string value is a string 'true


If you also want to compute the "logical product" (using and), do:

not(/*/b[. = 'false'])




You can calculate the true values:

<xsl:if test="count(a/b[text()='true']) > 0">


If there are any true values, OR will be true.



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