Magento SQL module won't start

My module will be configured correctly and all relavant files will be installed correctly. But no database tables are created.

I followed this tutorial.

My config xml looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0"?>




        <title>My Gateway</title>


I have a .php file named /sql/mygateway_setup/mysql4-install-1.0.0.php

but it won't start.

What i tried

  • Tried removing any entries from core_resource related to my module
  • Changing version numbers
  • Matchin version numbers

How can I fix this problem?


source to share

2 answers

First of all change every word to lower case in your xml (for example to .second - create models in your xml, for example




for details and step-by-step process you can check these articles Link1 , Link2 .

Hope it solves your problem.



Follow the instructions below in the admin panel.

Run compiler:

Admin => System => Tools => Compilation> Enable => Start the compilation process.

Re-index the data:

Admin => System => Index Management =>

Check the box and click "Re Index Data" in the dropdown list at the top right to submit.



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