Accessing the Mustache object inside the ICanHaz object

I am using icanhaz inside my project. According to the documentation, it says it includes Mustache.js as well.

Now I want to access the built-in Mustache to_html () object like this.

var message = Mustache.to_html(template, json, true);


However, I get a "Mustache not defined" error. Since Mustache is already included in iCanHaz.js and I am successfully using other ICanHaz methods, I will not need to include the entire Mustache library again just to call this single method. Or should I?

I just want my template to display as a normal string with values ​​replaced from my json object. Any simple and easy method is also welcome.



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1 answer

You don't need to use the Mustache object directly.

Pass to true

your normal ICanHaz renderer to get the HTML string:

var message = ich.myTemplate(json, true);




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