Call a click on the added dom element
I am trying to trigger a click on this newly created anchor:
$('.file-status').html("Finished downloading <a class='download' download href='#{fileEntry.toURL()}'>#{name}</a>")
But the click event is not being called. Not sure why this is?
I am trying to force download rather than open a link in the browser. How Dropbox does
Here is the code, so it's more clear:
fileEntry.createWriter ((fileWriter) ->
fileWriter.onwriteend = (e) ->
$('.file-status').html("Finished downloading <a class='download' download href='#{fileEntry.toURL()}'>#{name}</a>")
fileWriter.onerror = (e) ->
console.log "Write failed: " + e.toString()
fileWriter.write blob
), errorHandler
So, realizing from the answers below, this is not possible, except when the server sends me data with the Content-disposition: attachment header. But this seems like a very bad solution to me for pure HTML5 JS apps that can be disabled.
So, I found this to handle it super amazing! It works great. Here is the link:
Hope this helps someone looking to do the same as I'm sure there are a lot of them!
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You didn't pass the event to the anchor, try this:
$('.file-status').html("Finished downloading
<a class='download' onclick='alert(123);' href='#'>#{name}</a>")
$('.download').click(function () {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
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Show the user that the download is complete and then redirected to download after 1 second.
$('.file-status').html("Finished downloading <a class='download' download href='#{fileEntry.toURL()}'>#{name}</a>");
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = $('.download').attr('href');
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