Java: server response gets cut when stored in string?

very strange problem, I have no idea. You may be able to help again - so often :)

I am creating a simple UrlConnection and using post-method. When I look in the wires, everything goes straight to me. I am trying to store the answer in a string. And this line is the short version of the whole package, while closed correctly (with the / html tag).

The difference in notepad gives me like this:

<a href=""></a>


and in wireshark:

<a href=";host=ColorPrinter ... muchmuchmore ...


This is where he seems to get his cut

Really weird stuff, now this is my code:

public void uploadCsv(File csvFile) throws CsvImportException, IOException {

    String sUrl = String.format(urlBaseWato, hostAddress);

    String csvFileContent = readFile(csvFile);

    ParamContainer params = new ParamContainer().addParam("a", "a")
                                                .addParam("b", b)
                                                .addParam("c", "c");

    URLConnection connection = new URL(sUrl).openConnection();

    postData(connection, params);
    String resp = getResponse(connection); // <---- broken string here :(



private void postData(URLConnection con, ParamContainer params) throws IOException {

    int cLen = params.getEncodedParamString().getBytes().length;

    con.setUseCaches (false);

    con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    con.setRequestProperty("Cookie", authCookie.toString());
    con.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(cLen));       

    //Send request

    DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream (con.getOutputStream());

    os.flush ();
    os.close ();




private String getResponse(URLConnection connection) throws IOException {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

    String line;
    String response = "";

    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)        
        response +=line;


    return response;


Mysterious, I have no idea. Can you help me?


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2 answers

Is using IOUtils


URLConnection connection = new URL(sUrl).openConnection();
IOUtils.toString(connection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");


or even:

IOUtils.toString(new URL(sUrl), "UTF-8");


Even if not, always count first to reduce the amount of boilerplate in your code.



I guess I should answer this question if this is a problem and can be accepted. I've seen cases where closing a socket cuts off a stream that was already written there. Try putting Thread.sleep (5000) right before closing the socket.



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