Need work for case Insensitive Linq to Entity Framework query

I have three tables: Users, UserRoles, Roles.

  • Usres table columns are UserId (Pk varchar (20)), CashCenterId (Int)
  • the UserRoles columns are UserRoleID (pk Int), UserId (Fk table for user), RoleID (Fk table for roles)
  • the Roles columns are RoleId (Pk int), RoleName (varchar (30))

I am using LINQ to ENTITY Framework to query them.

Now I want the function to check if the loggin user has the "FFFAdmin" role, so I pass the loggin user User to this function and perform the following functions.

     public bool isUserFFFAdmin(string UserId){

       return (from u in Db.Users
                    join ur in Db.UserRoles on u.UserID equals ur.UserID
                    join r in Db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
                    where r.RoleName == "FFFAdmin" 
                    && u.UserID.Equals(UserId)
                    select '1').Any();


Now the problem is that this query is case insensitive, so if I have two users say

1.'Ram 'with the role' siteUser '2. "ram" with the role "FFFAdmin"

now when I pass "Ram" this function should return false, but returns true due to the case insensitivity of this request.

Note * I cannot change the collation type of my database to make a query based on the query. Please help, I am new to organization and LInq.


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1 answer

Divide the task into two parts

var users = from u in Db.Users
            join ur in Db.UserRoles on u.UserID equals ur.UserID
            join r in Db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
            where r.RoleName == "FFFAdmin" 
               && u.UserID == UserId
            select u.UserID;

return users.AsEnumerable().Any(s => s == UserId);


The AsEnumerable()

second part is done in a case-sensitive C # environment, while the main filtering task is still a database job.



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