How to add multiple rows from TMemo component to MS Access database?

I got an ADO database with a table named t_codemeaning

, below is the table structure:

  codemenaing_code AS Text
  codemenaing_title AS Text
  codemenaing_description AS Text


I add the entire table to mine ADOQuery1


I click a button with this Delphi script:

ADOQuery1codemeaning_title.value := edit1.text;  
ADOQuery1codemeaning_description.value := memo1.lines.text;;


When I add a separate line to the memo, then everything is fine.

But when I add a lot of multi-line line to memo1 it shows me an error:

Errors with multiple steps. Check each status value.

How to fix it?

My last progress, I created a new string variable aValue and add memo1.lines.text to it:

  aValue := StringReplace(StringReplace(aValue, '#10', '', [rfReplaceAll]), '#13', '', [rfReplaceAll]);


And I change the script for ADOQuery1codemeaning_description.value .... to:

ADOQuery1codemeaning_description.value := aValue;  


there was still the same error ...


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1 answer

Identify the field description

like Memo

in the database (instead Text

), and then delete all persistent fields of the ADOQuery1

and add them again to type ADOQuery1codemeaning_description

was ftMemo


No need to run or replace CRLF




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