Processing large volumes of images

I have a huge 3D volume that is over 2GB in size. I want to load this data, process it and display it in my application as a 3D volume in which the cn volume will be scaled and rotated.

I've seen apps that download this huge data and display it.

My doubt is that the address space for Windows 32 bit applications is limited to 2GB, then what method is used in those applications to handle this huge volume?


How can I manage this huge data in my application for optimal performance?


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1 answer

I doubt the address space for Windows 32 bit apps is limited to 2GB

For 32-bit systems only.

then what is the technique used in these applications to handle this huge volume?

Using a 64 bit system that gives you 2 34 GiB address space . However, the real bottleneck is the size of the texture space on modern GPUs. I, for example, do that much medical rendering and even with 2GB GPU memory, your textures are limited to around 1.5GB since you still need some space for the screen framebuffer and other resources.

How can I manage this huge data in my application for optimal performance?

Use a 64-bit system. Of course, you also need that amount of system memory (RAM). For example, my toy workstation has 64GB of memory.



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