Show image instead of checked state of checkbox in extjs

How to show the image (checked) instead of the default checkbox when the user checks it?

I tried using the config checkedCls

where the image goes but the downside of that checkbox.

checkedCls: 'checkedBoxStyle'




jsfiddle to get started.


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1 answer

Well, the image only changes its background position with

.x-form-cb-checked {
     background-position: 0 -13px;


so the original image looks like this:

enter image description here

Here you have to change the whole image.

I would suggest changing the base class and force the override


.newBase input{
    background-image:url('../resources/images/checkBox_Tick_Mark.png') !Important;


And in config

baseCls: 'newBase',


see JSFiddle (image path is wrong, but it should show you the trick)



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