Navigating in javascript widgets using JSONP

I am working on javascript widgets that can be displayed on any site.


and at the moment I am facing a problem where I need to navigate between pages in widgets. See code below. But for now I am confused how to organize the navigation (link, ajax update) in the html that comes from the server to make it work without a widget because I want to debug it like a normal page.

<img alt="TEST" onclick="window.zs.LoadStep1('ad507a69-d882-41d4-8300-bd9f7163d419',this);" style="cursor:pointer;"/>

(function (window, ZS, undefined) {
    var zs = window.zs = ZS || {};
    zs.Version = "v1_0";
    zs.baseUrl = "http://localhost/w/";
    var jQueryScriptOutputted = false;
    var containerSelector = '#zaprosWidgetContainer';
    function initJQuery() {
        if (typeof (jQuery) == 'undefined') {
            if (!jQueryScriptOutputted) {
                jQueryScriptOutputted = true;
                document.write("<scr" + "ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></scr" + "ipt>");
            setTimeout("initJQuery()", 50);

    function initContainer() {
        if ($(containerSelector).length == 0) {
            $('<div id="zaprosWidgetContainer" style="width=500px;height:500px;"></div>').appendTo('body');

    zs.LoadStep2 = function (serviceId) {
            url: zs.baseUrl + 'Wizard/Step2JsonP?jsoncallback=?',
            data: { serviceId: serviceId },
            type: "GET",
            dataType: "jsonp",
            jsonpCallback: "callBack",
            success: function (json) {

    zs.LoadStep1 = function (providerId) {
        $(function () {
                url: zs.baseUrl + 'Wizard/Step1JsonP?jsoncallback=?',
                data: { providerId: providerId },
                type: "GET",
                dataType: "jsonp",
                jsonpCallback: "callBack",
                success: function (json) {


})(window, window.zs || {});



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1 answer

I understand you want to go to LoadStep1 / LoadStep2 without ajax style?

You can create a master page in ASP.NET that has a link / button to go to the next step. This link is created as part of the previous step.

eg. in the html Step1 output add

 <a href="/.../Step2InMaster?serviceID=13">Next Step</a>


Can you tell us why you need to create "no widget mode" for debugging? What's the difference for debugging?

Something else about JsonP helped me:

You can also extend your JsonP class, which wraps JSON data in a JsonP string, to support returning regular JSON when no callback method is included - this way you can use the same uri to return html directly. I am using this to let widgets work in JsonP and Json at the same time.



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